THE Methodist Church in Ludlow made some changes to its Sunday morning service last week, incorporating candles into its worship.

The service was led by the Reverend Denise Hargreaves, who invited the congregation to light a candle and say prayers.

In a Facebook post, the church wrote: “Our prayers of intercession were very different. We were each given a tea light candle and were invited to take it up to the table and light it, each saying our own prayers for people or situations that we wanted to pray for. It was wonderful and truly spirit-filled.”

On the church’s website, it describes its Sunday services: “We welcome anyone to join our Sunday morning services which are suitable for all age groups. A group for children usually meets in the café area during the service. On the first Sunday of each month the service normally includes Holy Communion.”

Ludlow Methodist Church, on Broad Street, is the only remaining Methodist place of worship in the town. Methodism has been in Ludlow for 200 hundred years, according to the church, with five disused chapels remaining.

The church’s worship area seats about 120 and is overlooked by a large cross which was made by a local craftsman. It is accessible to all, as it has a lift and disabled toilet facilities.

It also staffs the volunteer-run Wesley’s Café which serves home-cooked food and Fairtrade drinks. The café is open from 10.30am to 1.30pm on weekdays and Saturdays.