TO celebrate World Menopause Day HOTLadies’ came together in a drop-in event, hosted by Hillary Delaney Hall, a local Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and Transformational Life Coach.

It was in the form of a drop-in at the Blue Boar in Ludlow for a chance to meet and chat.

In January 2020, Ms Hall started a Facebook Group for women only “PAUSE the MenoPAUSE” which has grown to over 1100 members worldwide. This group is for women who are going through or want to learn more about one of the best-kept secrets in life peri/menopause.

“Lack of understanding and support for women going through menopause is forcing many to take time off work or even leave their jobs,” added Ms Hall.

“For far too long, menopausal women have been faced with an impossible choice: they either struggle on or leave behind careers they have worked so hard for.” A ‘Ludlow HOTLadies’ meet-up will take place in December and throughout 2022.