A CHURCH Stretton mother and son are planning a charity football match to thank the organisation that supported their family through a heart-breaking cancer journey.

Emma Rogers and her son Adam were inspired to fundraise by Emma’s nephew, Kean, who was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare form of cancer, in 2009. He was just four years old at the time.

Kean, a massive Shrewsbury Town FC fan, was treated at Birmingham Children’s Hospital, around 60 miles from his Shropshire home.

Thankfully, Kean’s mum Vicky, stepdad Craig and brother Lucas were able to stay at Ronald McDonald House Birmingham, a purpose-built facility providing free accommodation to the parents of sick youngsters, next door to the Children’s Hospital.

“It was an incredibly upsetting time for the whole family. We knew Kean was in the best place, but he needed lengthy treatment, and it was so far away from home,” said Ms Rogers, aged 45.

“Travelling back and forth would have just added to the nightmare for his mum and stepdad. Staying at the Ronald McDonald House meant that they could be close to Kean and didn’t have the worry of paying for travel and hotel costs. Kean was in and out of hospital a lot, so Ronald McDonald House became like a second home. We will never forget the incredible love and support they offered to our family at the worst time of their lives.”

Sadly, Kean’s cancer returned, and he passed away in September 2022, aged 16. His family is now planning to raise funds for Ronald McDonald House Charities UK in his memory, including a charity football match to be held at Russell Meadow in Church Stretton on Sunday, April 30.

“Teams made up of family and friends will be competing for a trophy and there will be lots of additional fundraising activities on the day” added Ms Rogers.

“We would like to encourage local people to join us on the day to cheer on the teams and support Ronald McDonald House Charities UK. Kean loved football and went to all Shrewsbury Town’s matches home and away. We think this is a wonderful way to remember him and support a fantastic charity”. To find out more about Emma’s charity football match please contact rog1977@live.co.uk