BATTLE is to be waged on dog fouling in Tenbury after local complaints.

Draft minutes from a recent meeting of Tenbury Town Council's facilities committee reveal that the foul problem had been brought up by a resident.

Councillors at the meeting heard from a former town councillor and mayor, who attended as a member of the public, that the town had previously run a successful campaign in the early 2000s in a bid to stamp out the problem.

The previous campaign, councillors were told, had involved a week of educating the public on the dangers of dog poo, with the campaign and its accompanying poster "well received", and even taken up by Malvern Town Council for their campaign.

The member of the public told councillors that the campaign had at the time helped with the problem and that they were now asking the current council to support a similar campaign in a bid to stop dog owners leaving their pet's poo behind.

Councillors asked the town clerk to contact Malvern Hills District Council to ask if the community and environmental protection team could provide an educational campaign in the town, the draft minutes said.

Litter problems are also in hand in the town, the minutes said, with members at the same meeting considering the purchase of two new litter bins, one to replace the bin at the Point in The Burgage, and another general waste bin for The Common, after a request from a local.

Previous meeting minutes from January revealed that the bin at The Burgage had lost its lid, and therefore needed replacing.

The new bin on The Common will be emptied by Malvern Hills District Council, councillors were told, if it is a general waste bin and not a designated dog poo bin.

It was unanimously resolved to replace the bin at The Burgage, with the new bin costing £249.89, and to place a post-mounted waste bin costing £117 at The Common.