A 34-YEAR-OLD woman has been banned from driving for four years after being found on a busy A-road in Shropshire with eight times the legal amount of cocaine in her blood.

Joanne Griffiths, of Willow Grove, Craven Arms, pleaded guilty to drug-driving, and driving while disqualified and with no insurance when she appeared at Kidderminster Magistrates’ Court on March 25.

She committed the offences in Craven Arms on August 10 last year.

Prosecutor Lauren Millichip told Kidderminster Magistrates’ Court that Griffiths was found to have 402 microgrammes (mg) of benzoylecgonine, a metabolite of cocaine, per litre of blood when the legal limit is 50 mg.

She was also found to be driving without insurance and while disqualified.

Griffiths was handed a £120 fine and a four-year ban, and ordered to pay £135 in court costs and a victim surcharge of £48. No separate penalty was imposed for the offences of driving without insurance and while disqualified.