An event designed to help people with cancer and their family and friends takes place on Friday, June 7.

Anyone affected by cancer is invited to join Ludlow Cancer Support at a Living Well session at the Parish Room at St Peter's Church from 10am to 3pm.

Members of Ludlow Cancer Support Group, which was set up in 2014 to provide a sociable and welcoming environment where, through friendship and share experience, members can find additional strength to cope with their situation.

They understand only too well the fear, shock and confusion experienced after receiving a cancer diagnosis.

Treatment may be underway, but there are still so many unanswered questions.

LCSG is partnering with the Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust Cancer Services, South West Shropshire Primary Care Network, and the newly-formed cancer support group, Men Like Us, to hold the Living Well session in Ludlow.

Provided by SaTH, this event has been specifically designed to help cancer patients and their family and friends access the support and practical and personal information they need during and after cancer treatment.

Presentations will deal with fatigue, physical activity, nutrition, and emotional wellbeing, and local services will be signposted.

Family and friends are welcome, and discussion, non-clinical questions and shared experiences are encouraged.

To date, 15 people affected by cancer have registered for this event, which is free and includes a sandwich lunch, and parking is available.

To book a place or places on this Living Well Session, email,