A PERMANENT pop-up banking service is being proposed after TSB close the last remaining bank in Tenbury Wells.

Dame Harriett Baldwin called an emergency meeting with TSB’s management to discuss the proposals to close the branch on Teme Street in May 2025.

TSB has committed to finding a central location for the pop-up bank which will allow customers to access face to face banking services and the Post Office across the road is considering adding an extra counter to handle the extra banking transactions when Tenbury’s final branch closes.

Dame Harriett said: “Like most Tenbury people, I was concerned at the decision to close the last bank in town but I was grateful that TSB management was willing to come to meet with me to explain the longer term plans for supporting TSB customers.

“A comprehensive support package will be put in place to help the most vulnerable and elderly residents but alongside this, a banking pop-up service will be created and we have discussed potential locations.

“It is also good to hear that the Post Office is making plans to absorb the extra demand for cash services and I am hopeful that all the right plans are already taking shape.

“Of course, I will continue to resist the closure and support calls for a permanent banking hub like the one planned for Pershore and if I am re-elected on July 4, I will continue to be a strong voice for Tenbury people and the whole of West Worcestershire.

“A town the size of Tenbury needs access to decent banking services and I am hopeful that the Post Office and TSB will work together to make sure the right offering is in place in a central location from next May.”