A drive-through coffee shop set to be built in Ludlow will be able to operate longer opening hours after getting the green light to open earlier in the morning.

Blackfriars Developments Ltd lodged proposals to build a Costa Coffee store earlier this year on land near Sainsbury’s supermarket at Rocks Green which had previously been earmarked for a petrol station.

The development was approved by Shropshire Council planners in May, but shortly afterwards developers Blackfriars applied for permission to vary the hours for the site which would see the coffee shop able to trade from 5.30am if required.

Planning conditions on the original application limited the store to an 8am opening from Monday through Saturday and from 10am on Sunday to reduce potential noise effect on neighbours. However the firm says an acoustic barrier set to be built as part of the development would mitigate any noise problems.

Construction on the scheme is expected to take around 10 months.

According to the developers, the scheme will add £250,000 per year to the Ludlow economy and around 15 new jobs will be created as part of the venture.

“The proposed coffee shop will also provide a valuable facility for Sainsbury’s shoppers and workers, drivers passing by, and nearby residents. There are wider benefits from having an established business in this prominent, sustainable location,” they said in their original supporting statement.

Around 30 car parking spaces will also be provided for customers, along with a waiting area for customers using the drive-through.

“A noise barrier and plant enclosure, as detailed in the submitted noise assessment, shall be installed and maintained,” said the decision notice from Shropshire Council, which also specified as a condition that the noise barrier must be completed before the shop starts trading.

“There is negligible impact on the highway network and additional parking will represent an improvement to the existing facilities and will allow a better flow of traffic.”