A Tenbury school has been applauded by a leading computing programme for their commitment to encouraging gender inclusion in computer science.

Tenbury High Ormiston Academy has been recognised by the National Centre for Computing Education’s (NCCE) ‘I Belong’ programme, for their work in improving the gender balance in GCSE Computer Science.

Led by Tenbury High’s computer science teacher, Anthony Duggan, the program has resulted in the number of students taking Computer Science increasing by fivefold in two years, and a jump to over 30% of which being girls. Mr Duggan is “so proud” to have been recognised by the NCCE after the academy’s immense efforts.

Through taking part in the ‘I Belong’ programme, the Tenbury Wells academy undertook leading training courses in creating teaching materials and curricula. The programme proved to be “a great way to reinforce our computer science curriculum to ensure it is as supportive and meaningful as possible for all our students,” Mr Duggan said.

The Tenbury academy also underwent a rigorous evaluation and evidence process to be recognised by the NCCE. This in-depth evaluation reviewed the positive impact of their computing curriculum and work to support girls’ engagement with the subject.

Women currently make up only 16 per cent of the UK’s technology workforce: the school’s work encourages the entirety of Tenbury High’s “incredible group of young people” to “pursue their passions for the subject and learn about all the exciting opportunities available for them,” said Mr Duggan.

Outside of the GCSE curriculum, the academy has been creating new and exciting ways for younger students to get involved, including interactive computing lessons, organising academic competitions, and starting a popular after school club for programming. 

Katherine Ellis, gender inclusion lead at the NCCE, congratulated Tenbury High on their achievement, pointing out how schools play a crucial part in addressing the IT gender gap and how this school is “among others leading the way in understanding the issue and creating change at a local level.”

“This certificate recognises the efforts the school has gone to, to support and empower all students, especially girls, in choosing this path,” said Ms Ellis.