CROWDS turned out to mark Armed Forces Day in Shropshire.

Shropshire Council, in conjunction with event sponsors Wace Morgan Solicitors, held the annual Shropshire Armed Forces family fun day celebration at Shrewsbury Castle on Saturday, June 29.

The event attracted over 1,000 people who expressed their gratitude to Armed Forces personnel, both past and present.

There were a variety of activities for the whole family to enjoy, with contributions from local emergency services, service charities, Fort Boxing, Shropshire Tennis, and a number of vintage military vehicles on display.

Entertainment was provided throughout the day, including performances from the Bligny Band and Bugles of the Shropshire Army Cadet Force. Visitors were able to gain free access to the Soldiers of Shropshire Museum, and thanks to the emergency welfare support charity Rapid Relief Team (RTT), burgers and drinks were served to those who attended.

People who attended were asked to make a donation in support of the food and drinks that RRT provided. A total of £626.93 was raised, with all donations are going to the Soldiers of Shropshire Museum.

One of the highlights of the event was the appearance of three Chelsea Pensioners, who posed for photos and spoke to people about the Royal Hospital Chelsea.

The hospital is home to 300 male and female army veterans, and the Chelsea Pensioners are iconic figures in the UK’s veteran community.

Sean McCarthy, Armed Forces Covenant lead for Shropshire Council, said: “This year’s event was a great success.

"Armed Forces Day is something that Shropshire Council has always supported; we want to show our armed forces community that we appreciate what they do for us," he said.

"The family fun day gave the armed forces community the opportunity to spend time with their families and enjoy a range of free activities. One of this year’s highlights was the Chelsea Pensioners, who certainly stood out in the crowds with their iconic red scarlet uniforms.”