A VERY special plaque has been unveiled in Tenbury as a town institution marks more than four decades of entertaining.

Members of the Tenbury Town Band were pleased to unveil a blue plaque on marking the location of the band's very first rehearsal venue on Sunday, June 30.

The band was formed in 1983 by six musicians from Tenbury High School and 41 years later it is still bringing entertainment to Tenbury and beyond through its annual concerts and participation in local fetes, parades and civic events.

Mel Parker, who was one of the band’s original members and is now musical director, remembers the band’s early rehearsals very well.

“We were conducted by Keith Colwell, Tenbury’s local police officer, who used to come to rehearsals still in uniform and sometimes while still on duty," she said.

"He would arrive and ask if the kettle was on!

Tenbury Town Band performing at an event Tenbury Town Band leads the Remembrance Day parade in Teme Street in 2021 (Image: Tenbury Town Band)

"If he got a call on his walkie-talkie while conducting the band, we had to be silent, and he would inform the caller that he was patrolling Teme Street!”

Rehearsals were held at the house in Berrington Road, which at the time was owned by founding member Ewart Morgan.

Band member Jane Irvine now lives there, and the connection was only discovered when Ms Parker went to the address to tutor one of Jane’s sons.

“I couldn’t believe the coincidence”, Ms Parker said.

“The blue plaque is a lovely way to commemorate the band’s roots. I can’t believe we’re still going strong over 40 years later. Ewart and Keith would be very proud.”