A SPECIAL event will see the choir of Shrewsbury Abbey heading to Tenbury's St Michael's Church at the weekend.

The choir will be singing the ancient office of Evensong at 4pm on Saturday, July 20. The choir will be directed by Peter Smith, the abbey’s director of music, and St Michael’s characterful ‘Father’ Willis organ will be played by Nigel Pursey, the abbey organist.

During the service they will sing a Magnificat & Nunc dimittis by Herbert Howells, and the anthem will be Balfour Gardiner’s Evening Hymn.

Shrewsbury Abbey is a very ancient foundation, dating back to the 11th century, and music, especially choral music, has played an important role in the worship offered at the abbey throughout its life.

The choir is greatly looking forward to its first visit to St Michael’s, and singing the type of music for which the church was built, when it was founded by Sir Frederick Ouseley in 1856. They will sound glorious in the perfect acoustic, and they would love to have your support on Saturday.