A British travel writer and author is coming to Ludlow to reflect on his over 4000-mile journey across the pre-election USA in a series of tours across the country.

Simon Parker, a best-selling author and seasoned traveller, having reported from over a hundred countries at the age of 37, will be visiting Ludlow on September 21 to reflect on his “epic adventure” in a nationwide theatre tour; A Ride Across America.

This adventure included cycling 4,373 miles across a pre-election USA, to gain an “honest insight into the nation's state of mind” ahead of the upcoming election.

Mr Parker visited national parks, rainforests, rivers, deserts, prairies, and mountains, to discover America's wildest places and meet the rural communities that inhabit these vast and often extreme environments.

From the unguarded position of a cyclist, Mr Parker also spent time with real people living in middle America, and was often welcomed into homes, workplaces and families.

Tickets and more information are available at www.simonwparker.co.uk.