A Ludlow home styling store is celebrating its growing business, after announcing its second branch; not just in the same town, but on the same street!

Velvet Fern Home, which opened in Ludlow’s High Street in 2022, recently disclosed their “worst kept secret” to their loyal customer base.

Vicky Benavente, her husband Matt, and their daughters, Annie and Izzy, recently revealed that they would be occupying not one, but two shops on the High Street, after the opportunity arose and it felt “completely right to have a go” at expanding their independent business.

The family run business was initially born after Mrs Benavente felt it was time to upscale her long-time passion and talent of home styling and creating soft furnishings, with their first shop in Hay-on-Wye, opening in 2020. However, the family moved onto pastures new shortly after opening their popular Ludlow premises.

The family has been dedicated to the historic town ever since, with a recent announcement to the Ludlow Chamber of Commerce saying that they felt the town, in order to continue prospering needed: “diversity, a town full of interesting retailers, that offer a complete shopping experience for Ludlow residents and visitors.

The shop, which sells everything from soft furnishings to fine art, will be taking over number 16-17 on the High Street, previously home to McCartneys.

The team added that “Ludlow is a fantastic town” and they were “very excited” to be opening the second edit sometime in late September.

“McCartneys have been an absolute pleasure to work with, their support of small business and their willingness to work alongside us to make this happen has been incredible.

“They understand #ludlow and have the same vision as us; to keep independent, interesting and diverse businesses in our town.

“So, it’s heads down and gloves on, I’m in no doubt there’ll be tears before opening day, but ya know what, we’re ready for it, and who wants to stand still anyway!?

“As ever, a huge thank you to all our brilliant customers and social media supporters, you guys make doing what we do an absolute pleasure!” They said.