A LUDLOW man caught sending a woman sexually explicit pictures and messages was given an electronic tag.

David Dykes admitted sending multiple unwanted sexually explicit pictures and messages, and telling his victim he was going to go to her address.

He had been harassing the victim for almost three years, from October 2020 to September 2023, according to Crown Prosecution Service prosecutor Charlotte Morgan.

All of the offending took place in Ludlow, according to court documents. The sexually explicit messages and photos were said to have amounted to harassment of the woman, which Dykes knew or ought to have known amounted to harassment.

Dykes, 40, of Tenbury Road, Clee Hill, entered a guilty plea to one count of harassment without violence when he appeared before magistrates in Telford in March.

He was sentenced on May 29 by way of a community order lasting for 18 months. For 12 weeks following his sentence he was ordered to wear an electronic tag, which was removed on August 20.

He must also attend up to 20 days of rehabilitation activities and has been given a restraining order banning him from contacting the victim directly or indirectly, and from going to her home address. The restraining order will be in place until 2029.

Dykes must also pay prosecution costs of £85 and a £114 victim surcharge.