LUDLOW will be showing its support for Fairtrade this month.

The Ludlow Fairtrade Town Group will be active in showing its support locally during Fairtrade Fortnight and in the weeks ahead, with a new Ludlow Fairtrade shopping guide, funded by Ludlow Town Council, launching.

Fairtrade Fortnight, held from September 9 to 22, will highlight the stark reality that many non-Fairtrade farmers and workers are facing, with households continuing to earn below the poverty line.

The Fairtrade Foundation is marking 30 years since Fairtrade products first hit shelves in the UK. Fairtrade Fortnight encourages consumers to Be the Change and protect the future of British staples produced overseas

Events will be taking place in Ludlow to support Fairtrade during this fortnight.

On Sunday, September 8, the Big Brew Event will follow the main morning service in St Laurence's Church, with a Fairtrade stall. There will be Fairtrade refreshments including lots of tasty home made bakes and cake made with Fairtrade ingredients for donations to the Fairtrade Foundation and Transform Trade.

And on September 12, there will be a Fairtrade stall at Ludlow produce market, which will be taking place from 10am to 2pm in Castle Square. 

The Fairtrade Town Group will be showcasing the new Fairtrade shopping guide, campaigning on climate change and trade justice and selling Fairtrade goods.