A TEENAGE driver has been banned from the roads after he was caught behind the wheel of a Land Rover while over the limit.

Oliver Jarrett entered a guilty plea to one count of driving a motor vehicle while over the alcohol limit when he appeared before magistrates in August.

The court heard from prosecutor Kathleen Price that the 19-year-old had been caught breaking the law while behind the wheel of a grey Land Rover Discovery in Ludlow's Sheet Road on June 9.

An evidential breath test revealed that Jarrett had 45 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35 microgrammes.

Magistrates in Telford said they had taken the guilty plea into account when sentencing, fining Jarrett £192 and disqualifying him from driving for 12 months for the offence.

He was also ordered to pay prosecution costs of £85 and a £77 victim surcharge, which is used to help fund services supporting victims of crime.

Jarrett, of Wheeler Road, Ludlow, can reduce his ban by three months if he successfully completes a drink-driving course.