A Shropshire charity has received donations of £1,000 as part of Benefact Group’s Movement for Good Awards to support their vital work.

For the sixth year running, Benefact Group is giving away £1million to charities through its Movement for Good awards. Members of the public were invited to nominate causes close to their hearts, with 150 awards of £1,000 now announced across the UK and Ireland.

Grace Church Shrewsbury, is an all-age family church that welcomes and accepts everyone. It runs a variety of activities to help people build relationships within the community, including prayer gatherings, children and youth events, worship events, as well as social events consisting of walks, bonfires, treasure hunts, picnics and more. It is the local charity to benefit from the initiative.

Further winners will be revealed later in the year and Shropshire residents are encouraged to keep nominating by visiting https://movementforgood.com/.

Mark Hews, group chief executive at Benefact Group, said: “We would like to thank every single person who took the time to nominate a good cause.

“We know that £1,000 can make a huge difference to the incredible work that charities do and we’re looking forward to seeing how this financial boost will change lives for the better.”