A FARE-DODGER has been ordered to pay hundreds after failing to buy a £16.50 train ticket.

Hermione Bryon Low was proven guilty of one count of boarding a train in a non-compulsory ticket area without a valid ticket by magistrates in Cardiff.

This is contrary to railway byelaws made under section 219 of the Transport Act 2000 and confirmed under schedule 20, as amended by section 46 of the Railways Act 2005.

The court heard from the prosecutor that the 23-year-old had entered a train in Ludlow without having a ticket.

The defendant was said to have entered a train for the purpose of travelling without having with her a valid ticket entitling her to travel.


She was proven guilty via single justice procedure.

Low, of Oak Street, was fined £220 for the offence.

She was also ordered to pay compensation of £16.10, court costs of £100 and an £88 victim surcharge.