Three food outlets in Ludlow received a five star hygiene rating last month.

Spar Subway in Castle Street, Morganics in Dahn Drive and The Cottage Cafe in the Bull Ring all aced their inspections to be given a clean bill of health.

Scores on the Doors worked with the Food Standards Agency to standardise the food hygiene rating scheme more than ten years ago.

The ratings help the public decide where to eat out or buy food, and provide clear data about hygiene standards at the last inspection.

Factors that are examined include the kind of food being handled, the physical condition of the premises, ventilation, cleanliness, pest control and facilities, all processes carried out and if and how hygiene standards are being helped.

Premises are rated from 0 – urgent improvement required – to 5 – hygiene standards are very good. A rating of 1 signifies that major improvement is required, 2 that some improvement is necessary, 3 that standards are generally satisfactory and 4, that standards are good.

Visit for all local ratings.