ORLETON Young Farmer Michael Lewis is the new chairman of the Herefordshire Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs.

Michael, who farms in partnership with his parents near Tenbury Wells, is a former Tenbury High School pupil and says one of the main tasks during his year of office is to continue the growth in membership which was hit for six during the foot-and-mouth crisis.

Membership was stren-gthened last year with two clubs restarting and a new club at Pembridge being formed.

Said Michael: "I am really looking forward to an exciting year for Herefordshire and want to see the county go from strength to strength so that as many young people as possible can enjoy the opportunities that being a member of the YFC has to offer."

Michael is a member of Orleton YFC and follows in the footsteps of three previous county chairman from the club Geoff Crofts in 1976-77, Adrian Jones, 1986-87, and Glenn Jones, 1990-91, who went on to become Herefordshire's second national YFC chairman.

Michael works at home on the 220-acre mixed farm, Lower Town at Berrington, near Tenbury Wells, in partnership with his parents, Derek and Marion Lewis.

After being educated at Tenbury High School,he went on to study a two-year course at Holme Lacy College, Hereford, followed by a National Certificate of Agriculture at Walford.

He takes over the chairmanship from Derek Carless. Said Michael: "I'm delighted to take over from Derek who has done a fantastic job leaving the federation in very good heart following its 60th anniversary year.

"Derek has worked extremely hard with the clubs and this has paid off with a good membership retention, the re-starting of two clubs and the opening of a new one."

New Herefordshire vice-chairman is Miss Christine Hope, a member of Longtown. Christine, 26, runs her own successful business in Longtown and has chaired the county's training and recruitment committee for the past 12 months.

The county annual meeting is being held this Saturday, followed by a dance at Ledbury Rugby Club.

Among the important dates in the YFC calendar are the county rally on May 21 at Lower Hope, Ullingswick, and the chairman's ball on July 16 at Garnons, near Hereford.