n NATURE QUIZ: Pam Love from The Cabin has won the nature quiz devised by Jill Bass in aid of Bishop's Castle Parish Church funds. She scored 74 points out of a possible 75 and her prize is a £10 token.

n WILDLIFE GROUP PLANS FOR 2005: The Upper Onny Wildlife Group is due to meet on December 1, at 7.30pm, in the Horseshoe Inn, Bridges. "The main thing to discuss will be our plans for the 2005 survey," said the chairman, John Muller.

n TOP SILVER BAND: The Michaelmas Fair committee has joined with Bishop's Castle Parish Church Tower Appeal to bring one of the county's top silver bands to the town on Saturday 20 November.

The Porthywaen Silver Band comes from Oswestry and has a very busy concert diary, including a competition at the Royal Albert Hall.

The concert begins at 7.30pm and tickets are on sale at Yarborough House, Nationwide and on the door.

Call 0781 7791270 for more information.

n TWO MINUTES' SILENCE: A total of 25 members of the public and the Bishop's Castle branch of the Royal British Legion gathered at the war memorial on Thursday, November 11, at 11am to observe the two minutes' silence.

The chairman of the branch, Major C T Finigan, recited the Exhortation and the Kohima Epitaph and afterwards thanked all those present for attending and observing the silence .

n REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY: The Remembrance Sunday parade last weekend, Sunday began at the town hall under the command of Captain M J Shanahan.

The procession was led by the Bishop's Castle Drum and Bugle Band, followed by the standards of the Royal British Legion and the Army Cadet Force.

Also on parade were members of the men's and women's sections of the Royal British Legion, detachments of the Army Cadet Force, Fire and Rescue Service, the Red Cross and the Women's Institute.

The Mayor and members of the town council also attended.

A large crowd gathered at the war memorial for the short service, led by the Rev Paul Collins.

Buglers of the band sounded the Last Post and Reveille.

Wreaths were laid on behalf of the Royal British Legion by the president of the Bishop's Castle branch, Major General D E Ryan, and the chairman of the Women's section, Joan Grant.

Other wreaths were laid by the Mayor, Councillor Jane Carroll, and representatives of the Army Cadet Force, Fire and Rescue Service, Red Cross and Women's Institute.

The united service of remembrance, which followed in the parish church was conducted by the Rev Paul Collins.

n PLAYING FIELDS BINGO: The Friends of Bishop's Castle Playing Fields thank everyone who came to their bingo night in the Powis Arms on Monday 25 October.

The evening raised £150 for the playing fields redevelopment project.

n Methodist News: It was a very full church at Minsterley last week for the funeral of the Marches Circuit (based at Bishop's Castle) minister's wife, Mrs Catherine Chesworth, who died suddenly on October 31 aged 47.

The service was conducted by the Rev Michael Langstaffe (based at Knighton), and attended by the minister and his two sons, with very many others, before the cremation at Shrewsbury.

Catherine will be greatly missed in the Circuit where she has helped so much.

n LITTLE FISH: The Little Fish are enjoying themselves in the Methodist Hall on Tuesdays at 1.30pm.

Lots of games and toys provided and adults can have a cup of tea. All for 50p.

n COFFEE MORNING: The next coffee morning is due to be held in Abbeyfield House, today (Thursday). Everyone welcome at 10.30am until noon.

n RBL - WOMEN'S SECTION: Members held their annual meeting in the Grange Road Community Centre.

Mrs Joan Grant presided and welcomed a new member, Mrs Shepherd.

After the Exhortation, the president, Mrs Jarvis, congratulated the branch on winning two cups at the county conference and also Mrs Phillpot on winning the branch cup for the most points in the monthly competitions. All the officers were re-elected. Next year's programme was discussed.

The next meeting is due to be held on November 29 when a Christmas tea will be given.

The competition for a small article was won by Mrs Phillpot, Mrs H Morris and Mrs Gwen Green.

The judge was Mrs Shepherd.

Raffle prizes were won by Mrs Netta Griffiths, Mrs Higgins, Mrs Grant and Mrs Maddox