Re: 'Town should not be spoiled further' (Advertiser August 5).

Mrs Sheila Davies is in a muddle. The Foldgate Lane planning application is for a retail park and has been submitted by a commercial developer. Any jobs created by such a development would be in retailing, and the need for additional retail space has to be conclusively proved by the applicant as part of his planning application, if it is to succeed.

The previous application was defeated because neither the need for retail space nor the net gain of jobs had been proven. It also conflicted with the Government's and council's policy on the siting of retail development.

It has nothing to do with the Eco Park, which is planned to provide office and similar business space.

The need for this park was carefully researched, and interestingly the Inspector who has just reported on the Local Plan accepted absolutely the need for business land in Ludlow.

"As a matter of principle it must be the case that Ludlow, as the largest town in the district, should have a good base of employment opportunity" (p11).

He further comments that "only the minimum (required by the regional and county structure plan) 15 hectares has been identified".

In fact he instructs the council to allocate some further reserve land for business development.

Ludlow has to provide for all its residents, not just those who have retired here.

Susan McCormack,

District Councillor,
