TWO major road projects at the Bull Ring this week brought danger for pedestrians and occasional traffic congestion.

The first scheme, involving an experimental set of traffic lights near the top of Old Street, caused tailbacks and ran into criticism from protesters.

The second is a 12-week programme, with work going on six days a week, of widening the narrow pavements along Corve Street, close to The Feathers Hotel, and in Old Street and the Bull Ring.

As part of the pavement programme, the traffic lights outside Boots at the top of Corve Street were moved halfway down the road. Barriers went up to create a single lane and allow the pavements to be dug up.

Old Street resident Nick Galtress claimed drivers were stopping at the red lights "waving pedestrians across the road into the teeth of the oncoming traffic".

The single lane highway encouraged drivers to "cross the Bull Ring junction faster and with less caution than they ever did before".

"Both police and traffic wardens to whom I've spoken say it is only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or worse," he added.

Sgt Tony Mantle, of Ludlow Police, said: "There are some issues that have been drawn to our attention and which we are taking up with the Highways Agency."

Shropshire County Council transportation chief Rob Surl and his team are looking at information from observations carried out last week on the lights scheme.

"As soon as we've come to a conclusion that is relevant, we will announce it," he said.

Mayor Graeme Kidd, who runs a business halfway down Corve Street, took a philosophical view.

"Obviously there's going to be some pain but we'll end up with a much better Ludlow," he said.