For the Elderley, Advice, General, Good Neighbours and Women's Institutes.

For the Elderly

Age Concern Leominster (Tenbury), Chief Officer, Gem Duncan, 30 West Street, Leominster, HR6 8ES. Tel: 01568 611054.

Association of Retired and Persons over 50, Ludlow Branch: Mrs Shirley Phillips, 4 Berrington Court, Bell Lane, Ludlow. Tel: 01584 872930.

Ludlow Tuesday Club: Miss Anne Dyke, The Women's Centre, Church Street, Ludlow. Tel: 01584 873738.

Bishop's Castle Friends in Retirement: Community Centre, Grange Road, Bishop's Castle.

Church Stretton Senior Citizens Club: Chairman and Secretary: Mrs M V Sturgess, Silvester Horne Institute, High Street, Church Stretton. Tel: 01694 722454.

Westhope Clover Club (over 60s): Leader, Mary Hall, Orchard Cottage, Westhope, Craven Arms. Tel: 01584 861282.

Cleobury Day Centre: Leader, Mrs Helen Davies, 5 Steeple Close, Cleobury Mortimer. Tel: 01299 270185.

Cleobury Friendship Club: Secretary, Mrs B Davies, Furlongs Road, Cleobury Mortimer. Tel: 01299 270057.

Cleobury Mortimer Age Concern: St Mary's Close Community Rooms, Leader: Helen Davies, 5 Steeple Close, Cleobury Mortimer. Tel: 01299 270185.


South Shropshire Voluntary Action: Contact: Tina Healy, rear of Palmers House, 7 Corve Street, Ludlow. Tel: 01584 877756.

South Shropshire Access Group: Chairman, Mr R Phillips (private address): Domus, Stanton Road, Ludlow. Tel: 01584 875559.

South Shropshire Furniture Scheme: Contact: Jean Jarvis, 11 Burway Road, Church Stretton. Tel: 01694 724464.

OSCAR: Co-ordinator, Anne Lynch, Tel: 01691 671700. 41a, Legg Street, Oswestry. SY11 4NN.

SSCIP: Contact, Elaine Duggan, rear of Palmers House, 7 Corve Street, Ludlow. Tel: 01584 877756.


Cleobury Breakfast Club: Chairman: Mrs S Murrell, Castle Hill, Cleobury Mortimer. Tel: 01299 270386.

Cleobury History Society: Secretary, Dr Pat Treves, The Old School House, Neen Savage, Cleobury Mortimer. Tel: 01299 270319.

Cleobury Good Neighbours Service: Secretary, Mrs P Butterworth, 20 Lea View, Cleobury Mortimer. Tel: 01299 270434. Helpline: 01299 271571 (weekdays 9.30am-1.00pm).

Cleobury Churches Together: Secretary, Mrs S Lennox, The Old Cider House, 1 Lion Lane, Cleobury Mortimer. Tel: 01299 270304.

Cleobury Playgroup: Chairman: Mrs Louise Francis, Tel: 01299 271727. Cleobury Mothers and Toddlers Playgroup: Secretary, Mrs B Poole, Vaughan Road, Cleobury Mortimer.

Peter Rabbit Nursery: Supervisor, Mrs April Rogers, Cleobury Mortimer. Tel: 01299 271418.

Cleobury Pioneer Centre: Director, Mr David Mack, Cleobury Mortimer. Tel: 01299 271217.

South Shropshire Housing Association, St Mary's Place (Sheltered Housing Scheme): Supervisor, Mrs Barbara Stokes, Cleobury Mortimer. Tel: 01299 270792.

Kyre Group Riding for the Disabled (incorporating driving): Organiser, Mrs Wendy Jones, The Meadows, Oldwood, Tenbury. Tel: 01584 810259.

Ludlow Photographic Club: Brent Waite, 8 Scotts Lane, Knowbury. Tel: 01584 890709.

Cleobury Mortimer Photographic Club: Mr Eric Shaw, Woodside Farm, Beach Hay, Bayton. Tel: 01299 832416.

Ludlow and District Horticultural Society: Secretary, Mr A G Cook, 12 Greenacres, Ludlow. Tel: 01584 872067.

Ludlow Peace Group: Secretary, Carol Barker, South Lodge, Dinham, Ludlow. Tel: 01584 873278.

Rockspring Community Centre: Manager, Mrs Glenda Cuttall, Tel: 01584 874922.

County Air Ambulance: Volunteer Co-ordinator, Mrs C Hatt, Fairlea, Caynham. Tel: 01584 872757.

Ludlow Castle Lodge RAOB: Secretary, Mr M J Onions, 21 London Road, Shrewsbury. Tel: 01743 248050. (Meetings: Thursdays 8.00pm at Victory House, Mill St, Ludlow).

Clee Hill RAOB (founded 1923), Basalt Lodge: Secretary, T Humphries, The Crescent, Clee Hill. Tel: 01584 890330. (Meetings: Alternate Tuesdays at Golden Cross, Clee Hill).

RAFA Association, Ludlow Branch: Chairman, Mr J Mills, Abbots Lodge, Wigmore. Tel: 01568 770316 or Sec, Mrs M Jones, 1 Avenue Road, Ashford Carbonell. Tel: 01584 831654. (For information on meetings, contact the secretary.)

Round Table: A national association of young professional men aged 18-45. Branches in Ludlow, Leominster and Tenbury Wells. Tel: 0121 456 4402.

Shropshire Wildlife Trust: David Currant, Steventon House, Ludlow. Tel: 01584 875501.

Teme Valley Monday Club: Secretary, Mr Tony Penn, Brick Barns, Lower Berrington, Tenbury Wells. Tel: 01584 810328.

Tenbury Rambling Club: Secretary: Ian Stone, Pykefield House, Greete, Ludlow. SY8 3BS. Tel: 01584 876698.

Tenbury Wells and District Civic and Historical Society: Secretary, Howard Miller, 6 Oak Bridge Court, Tenbury Wells. Tel: 01584 811669.

Tenbury and District Museum Society: Curator, Mr J Greenhill, Tel: 01299 832143.

Tenbury Ladies Evening Guild: Hon. Secretary: Jean Picton, 1 Kyrewood Court, Tenbury Wells. WR15 8SG. Tel: 01584 810574.

Royal Naval Association: (Ludlow & District Branch Secretary): Mr B Perry, Belvedere, Julian Road, Ludlow. Tel: 01584 873185. (Tenbury Branch Secretary): Chris Dovey, 1 The Cage, Market Square, Tenbury. Tel: 01584 810813.

Borders Classic Bike Show: Organiser, Jim Reynolds, 4 Childe Road, Cleobury Mortimer. Tel: 01299 270642.

Cleobury Mortimer Horticultural Society: Secretary, Mrs G Chapman, Ragged Edge, Ludlow Road, Cleobury Mortimer. Tel: 01299 270575.

Cleobury Mortimer Millennium Festival Committee: Chairman, Mrs C Bills, Walford's Bridge, Cleobury Mortimer. Tel: 01299 270249.

British Hedgehog Preservation Society: Contact, Miss F Vass, Hedgehog House, Dhustone, Ludlow. Tel: 01584 890801.

Ludlow and District Beekeepers Association: Contact, Alan Proctor, 3 Stone House, Knowbury. Tel: 01584 890895.

Ludlow Cats Protection: Secretary, Mrs A Jefferies, 9 Fishmore View, Ludlow. Tel: 01584 875908.

Fabric Trust for St Laurence: Mrs Dorothy Jeffrey, Foldgate House, Steventon, Ludlow. Tel: 01584 872022.

U3A (University of the 3rd Age): Mrs Olwen Hughes, Crud-y-Gwynt, Clee Downton, Ludlow. Tel: 01584 823656.

Clows Top and District Gardening Club: (Meet every 4th Wednesday) Contact: Mrs Marion Wilson. Tel: 01299 270475.

Shropshire South Riding Club, Mrs Sally-Ann Hook, Greenacres, Boraston Bank, Tenbury Wells. Tel: 01584 811655.

Temeside Camera Club: Mrs Y Meachin. Tel: 01584 872897.

Tenbury & District Art Group: Mrs M Dallow, 3 Tannery Court, Bog Lane, Tenbury Wells. Tel: 01584 811706.

Tenbury Theatre Group: Mrs E Thomas, The Old Barn, Little Hereford. Tel: 01584 711513.

Tenbury Readers Group: Sally Matthews, Tenbury Library, 24 Teme Street, Tenbury Wells. Tel: 01584 810285.

Tenbury Writers' Group: Sally Matthews, secretary, c/o Tenbury Library, 24 Teme Street, Tenbury Wells. Tel: 01584 810285 or 810493.

Ludlow 21: David Currant, Steventon House, Ludlow. SY8 4BN. Tel: 01584 875501.

Good Neighbours

Bucknell and Bedstone Good Neighbours: Chairman Mr R Chambers. Tel: 01547 530239.

Ludlow Good Neighbours: Organiser Anne Richards (new volunteers welcome). Tel: 01584 856358.

Clun Valley Good Neighbours: Hon Secretary, Margaret Twist. Tel: 01588 640016. (A recorded message will give the telephone no. of co-ordinator on duty).

Church Stretton Good Neighbours: c/o The Medical Centre. Tel: 01694 724242 (24 hrs).

Women's Institutes

Bitterley: Mrs M Pritchard, Tel: 01584 872986.

Bucknell: Secretary, Mrs Carol Hann. Tel: 01547 530255.

Cleobury Mortimer: Secretary, Mrs S Wilcox, The Rowans, 9 Simon Evans Close, Cleobury Mortimer. Tel: 01299 270560.

Church Stretton: President, Mrs J M Edmunds, Church Stretton Tel: 01694 723961.

Clee St Margaret and District: Mrs Audrey Dahn, Tel: 01584 823284.

Ludlow: Secretary, Mrs A Brewster, Short Hill, Livesey Road, Ludlow. Tel: 01584 876291. (fourth Wednesday of month at 7.30pm at Peter's Hall, Henley Road).

Mamble-cum-Bayton: Secretary, Mrs V Evans, Hobsden, Bell Lane, Broadheath, Tenbury Wells, WR15 8QX. Tel: 01886 853279.

Knighton-on-Teme: Secretary, Miss Carol Collins, Tel: 01584 810017.

St Michael's: Secretary, Mrs A Dicken, Bramley Cottage, Berrington Green, Tenbury Wells. Tel: 01584 810867.

Tenbury Wells: Secretary, Mrs J D Jones, 5 The Mews, Riverside, Tenbury Wells. Tel: 01584 811916.