J C JEFFERY is right to point up the way that decisions about Ludlow are divided among the town, district and county council with baleful effect.

As regards the latest example of action dictated from Shrewsbury against the wishes of Ludlow residents, the proposed Bullring 'enhancement', the town council itself, the Civic Society, and a number of individual residents, have objected. Their objections, and even a modest suggestion that the scheme be put in place temporarily at first to see how it works, has been summarily rebutted.

Opposition is steadily growing. People who live and work here and cross the Bullring many times a week can very well see that the change, perversely introducing a permanent obstruction, will make danger where there is none. It will also add to the noise and pollution caused by traffic, which at present nearly all the time, passes smoothly and quietly.

So I hope that readers will join in the 'anti' campaign by writing to their county councillors and their MP to show their concern.

Ian Leslie,

Long Mynd,

33 Gravel Hill,
