ANOTHER sign that the beef industry is returning to normal after the BSE nightmare comes with the likely relaxation of the Over Thirty Months rule.

While the relaxation is being welcomed some livestock farmers are expressing concern about a possible slump in the market. The relaxation would lead to an estimated extra two million older cattle coming onto the market between 2004 and 2006, all of which would have to be tested for BSE.

David Morgan, who is vice chairman of the National Farmers' Union livestock committee in London, said the scheme wanted careful handling. "We want to be sure that testing will be available and up to speed. We are calling for a trial period to make sure that the job is working properly and to give the market time to develop ideas." Mr Morgan said there was a worry of an over-supply of beef in Europe.

"We will spread the beef across the market so that it will not affect prices. It used to be exported and there will be opportunities for this."