THERE are very few weeks without complaints in the media about hospitals, nurses, doctors, social services and GPs - yet nothing about the other side.

My wife has been ill for nearly three years and Kidderminster Hospital were most kind to her on visits, as were all the staff.

Now Tenbury, a smashing country hospital where every care is taken. The district nurses that come to my wife are always looking for means to make her comfortable. The carers are kind and gentle in all they do for her. The GPs, you phone and they arrive. Social workers are in and out and taking care of the problems. Emergency doctors, ring them in the middle of the night and there they are. To all those hard workers, my thanks for all you do for Aileen.

I close with a thank you to all, not only friends but people who ask after her, shopkeepers that always ask, the library that finds her tapes.

Tenbury, a small but caring, kindly town, thank you.

Keith Barker,

Berrington Road, Tenbury Wells.

See this week's Ludlow Advertiser for more letters.