SEEING the new road markings taking shape is a timely reminder about the new parking system in Ludlow. In spite of the consultation last year, there are still some anomalies and problems that need to be sorted out before this juggernaut is set in motion.

The traffic and parking problems in the centre of town (Red Zone) obviously need to be addressed, but, because it is a predominantly residential street, the designation of upper Old Street (from the traffic lights down to St John's Road) as a Red Zone could cause more problems than it solves.

Most of the car-owning residents in upper Old Street now mostly park their cars in lower Old Street, St John's Road and St John's Lane, which will all be Blue Zone parking, meaning that their red permits will not be valid there for day-time parking. They also use Teme Avenue, and Lower and Upper Fee, which will be residents' parking only.

Where are these residents of upper Old Street, with their Red Zone permits, supposed to park during the day? There are only 15 parking bays in upper Old Street, so it is highly unlikely that many of these will be available. They will, of course, have to drive around the town centre (Red Zone), looking for a parking space where their Red Zone permits will be valid: thus adding to the traffic chaos this controlled parking is supposed to alleviate.

Anyone who has similar concerns about the proposed controlled parking should make their feelings known to Mouchel Parkman, Ludlow Town Centre Residents' Association, or your local councillor as soon as possible.

Rod and Ann Wood,

Old Street, Ludlow.

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